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The Chancellor of the University – Rev. Chukwuemeka Ngubo- announced this in his address during the First matriculation ceremony of the University at Okota Campus on 29th March. 2023.

The ceremony which was well attended by some royal fathers, senior members of the academic community, senior ministers of the gospel, representatives of different banks, and many dignitaries in the society was described by the Chancellor as the Lord’s doing. He quoted Psalm 118:23, which says “This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes”. He said that the establishment of Maranatha University Lagos is the Lord’s doing.

Maranatha University Lagos was licensed in 2021 by the Federal Government of Nigeria to operate as a Private University in Nigeria. Maranatha University Lagos offers admission to all students irrespective of their nationality, gender and religion. The University currently has programmes in the following three faculties:

  1. Faculty or Natura and Applied sciences
  2. Faculty of Arts, Management and Social Sciences
  3. Faculty of Environmental Sciences

The university is making arrangements to commence programmes in the Faculty of Engineering very soon.

Speaking further in the address, the Chancellor – Rev. Chukwuemeka Ngubo- stated that Maranatha University Lagos is committed to quality and affordable university education. He charged the matriculating students to bring out the best in them as future leaders in their various fields of learning. To encourage the students, he said that the University has set out a reward system for the best-graduating student of the University.

Talking about campus experience, the Chancellor told the audience that Maranatha University Lagos is committed to providing excellent facilities in a godly environment. The university has zero tolerance for cultism, hard drugs, smoking and possession of prohibited weapons both within and outside the university. The institution believes in the TOTAL MAN CONCEPT (TMC) which is the total development of man – Spirit, Soul and Body. This is training the future leaders spiritually, intellectually and physically.

The Chancellor also announced that Maranatha University Lagos has a passion to contribute to the development of Science and Technology in Nigeria through innovative research in science. In light of this, the University is offering scholarships for the following fields:

  1. Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics
  2. Bachelor of Science degree in Physics with Electronics

Modalities have been worked out for the commencement of these scholarships in the three departments at Maranatha University, Lagos. Prospective candidates are requested to apply to the university.

In conclusion, he admonished the university management, staff and students to pursue vigorously the vision of Maranatha University, Lagos which is to raise world-class graduates with godliness in their various academic disciplines.
In the same vein, the Vice Chancellor of the University, Professor Rufus Akinyele assured Nigerians that the University will not only empower its students to be globally competitive but will be groomed to be morally upright.

The Vice-Chancellor gave the assurance at the matriculation ceremony of the institution.

He observed that Education, quoting Mandela, is the greatest weapon to change the world but was however quick to add that Western education “has not impacted the society positively”.

Prof. Akinyele also emphasised the preparedness of the institution to impart competitive knowledge in the areas of Information Communication Technology and in Sciences, which was the dream of the founders of Maranatha University Lagos.

Speaking further, he outlined entrepreneurial empowerment as one of the core areas the students will be exposed to, to make them wealth creators and employers of labour after their studies. 

While telling the matriculants to count themselves lucky for getting admitted into the citadel of learning, the Vice-Chancellor revealed that the mission of Maranatha University is to raise a new generation of graduates, steeped in Christian ethics and equipped with academic training, entrepreneurial and digital skills, to be globally competitive and advantageously positioned to change the society. He said, ‘our approach to entrepreneurial education and skills acquisition will be unique. With the University Ventures on the ground, it will be mandatory for all the students to acquire practical experience in different business ventures in addition to firsthand knowledge from resource persons that will be speaking to the students on wealth creation from time to time’. He also said 

“Arrangements are also being made to expose our students to French and Chinese Languages to prepare them for the challenge of globalisation and foreign mission. The Confucius Institute has already donated some books and CDs to us as the first step toward setting up a Chinese Experience Classroom in Maranatha University Lagos.

In the concluding remarks, he said: “At this juncture, I will also like to remind the matriculants of the timely assertion of the American Author, Orison Swett Marden who asserted that ‘The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself. It is not in your environment; it is not in your luck or chance or the help of others; it is in yourself alone”. I will therefore encourage you to dream big, set goals for yourself and pursue your dream. Your attitude will ultimately determine the altitude you can ascend. For you, the sky is just the beginning. Wishes alone will not get you to your destination. You must take actions that are consistent with your aspirations. Let me support my point with the wise counsel of Brad Sugars who said,’ Words can inspire, thoughts can provoke but only action truly brings you closer to your dream”


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